Blog Posts (english only)
You have landed on our blog, welcome! Here you will find exciting articles on the topics of java, OSGi, Eclipse, BND and much more. For example, take a closer look at our series “Bits Of Java”. Besides the basics, you will find useful tips for solving challenging problems with Java. And now: Have fun reading and deepening your knowledge.
Bits of Java – Episode 25: Optional in Java
We will start this new year with an episode dedicated to optionals in Java. What are optionals? Well, we can think of them as the Java way of expressing something that can be there, but that can also not be there: an optional indeed! Suppose you have a method which... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 24: Bounded and Unbounded Generics in Java
Last week we talked about generics in Java. Today we will remain on this topic and discuss a few more things you can do with them! At the end of the last post, we said that generics are basically just java.lang.Object for the compiler, and that, indeed, after compilation, what... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 23: Generics in Java
Today we will discuss a bit about the use of generics in Java, which have been part of Java since its version 5. But what exactly are generics? So, when you build a List object, for instance, you would do something like this: List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); where, in... [more]
OSGi in a Nutshell: Working with service configurations
Today we will see a slightly more complicated version of the use case we saw last week. We will always talk about services, but of configurable services. Use Case Imagine you have two or more implementations for the same service, and you have a consumer which needs one of your... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 22: Comparator vs Comparable
Last week we discussed a bit about lambdas expressions and functional interfaces, and we saw that one of the built-in Java functional interfaces is the Comparator. It provides as functional method: int compare(T obj1, T obj2); which allows to compare two objects and returning an int, whose value depends on... [more]
5G Modellregion Jena
Data In Motion Consulting GmbH ist einer der Projektbeteiligten im Projekt: „5G-basierte V2X-Vernetzung zur Optimierung der Energieversorgung und des multimodalen Verkehrs in Jena und Umland“. Als eine von 10 potenziellen Regionen hat sich Jena im 5G-Innovationswettbewerb gegen die Mitbewerber durchgesetzt. Konkret geht es darum, in der Modellregion Jena den Ausbau... [more]
OSGi in a Nutshell: Launch a simple Service
This week we are finally ready to start working on our first use case: how to create and launch a simple service component in OSGi. We will proceed as follows: we first describe how this can be done in a pure Java environment, and then we will move to OSGi.... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 21: Lambdas Expressions and Functional Interfaces
This week we are going to discuss about lambdas expressions in Java. They are a way to write code in a more functional way, and they could be quite useful when you need to perform just a simple operation, and you do not want to write a dedicated method just... [more]
OSGi in a Nutshell: What is OSGi? (continued)
In the previous post of the series we started with a simple definition of OSGi, as an additional layer which can be put on top of Java, and provides a set of functionalities to help you develop an application as a *modular* and *dynamic* system. We also looked into the... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 20: Java Exceptions
This week we will discuss a bit what happens when there is something wrong with your Java application. There are two main groups of things that could go wrong in your code, and we can distinguish them based on, let’s say, how early Java can detect the problem. In this... [more]
Using Pandoc to Make Beautiful LaTeX Presentations
We at Data In Motion Consulting GmbH are currently working at the preparation of a course, so we came across to the need of making some presentations. I, personally, as coming from an academic environment, was used to prepare my slides using LaTeX. Its beamer package, in particular, is quite... [more]
OSGi in a Nutshell What is OSGi
Here we are with our first episode of this new series about OSGi. Before entering the details of our use cases, we first need to give a brief definition of what OSGi is, and what it has tried to accomplish over the years. The OSGi Alliance was founded in March... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 19: Java Enumerators
This week we are going to discuss Java enumerators. What are they? You can think of an enumerator as a way to define some special strings. Suppose, for instance, you want to implement a method that takes as input parameter a color name and returns to you whether this color... [more]
Talk OSGi Asynchronous Messaging at EclipseCon 2020
Today I gave a talk at the EclipseCon 2020 about the new upcoming OSGi Messaging Specification. We work on this specification for a while. The idea is based on one of our OpenSource Projects that is hosted on Gitlab: The idea is to harmonize the API for asynchronous messaging.... [more]
OSGi in a Nutshell
With this post we would like to announce a new blog series, aimed to describe the world of OSGi. Data In Motion Consulting GmbH has been an OSGi Alliance member for many years now, and we also provide trainings for both developers and project managers, who want to start using... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 18: Java Annotations
This week we will talk about another interesting feature of the Java language, annotations. What are annotations? Well, you can think of them like a convenient way to express meta data of your objects, where, with objects here, I mean not only Java objects, but also methods, fields, and also... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 17: Modules in Java
This week we will briefly discuss one, relative new, feature of the Java language, which is the Java Platform Module System (JPMS). The JPMS was introduced in Java 9, with the purpose of introducing a new encapsulation level and allowing developers to build their applications in a more modular way.... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 16: Method overriding vs method hiding
Last week we started looking into the difference between method overriding and method overloading. This episode will cover, instead, the difference between method overriding and method hiding. We will not go into all the technical details of method overriding, since we already discussed them. What’s important to remember from last... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 15: Method overriding vs method overloading
In this episode we will discuss a bit the difference between method overriding and method overloading. These are two features that Java supports, under certain conditions, and that can be misleading at a first glance. Let’s start with the simpler one (at least for me), method overloading. Method Overloading A... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 14: The static keyword
In this episode we will discuss the meaning of the static keyword and we will see where it can be used in your code. There are various places in your code when you can use the static keyword. Let’s see them. static fields: when you mark a variable as static... [more]
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