Gecko JakartaRS Jersey Whiteboard default implementation in OSGi Compendium 8.1
Since several years we provide an implementation of the OSGi JaxRs WHiteboard Service based on JakartaEE Jersey. With the namespace change of Jakarta API’s from the former javax to jakarta, the OSGi Working Group also started migrating specifications to consider the new namespace. With the latest OSGi Compendium 8.1 release, our implementation became the default implementation for the new JakartaRS Whiteboard (a.k.a JaxRs Whiteboard) specification. That means we are fully specification compliant and the TCK runs against our implementation.
Our implementation is based on the latests Jersey version. Within this migration process, we also updated the older version with javax namespace. So we currently offer two versions of the REST specification, the former JaxRs Whiteboard service and the new JakartaRS Whiteboard service. Both version passing the corresponding TCK’s.
The code can be found at GitHub:
There is one thing to note. We currently working on moving the JakartaRS Version to the OSGi Technology Project at the Eclipse Foundation. This is useful, because also Jersey is a project under the Eclipse umbrella. In addition to that we have a broader community, that helps us to support this implementation.
We also plan to update the Jakarta RS Whiteboard specification and put additional features in it, like improved JakartaRS client service handling.
by Mark Hoffmann