Blog Posts
You have landed on our blog, welcome! Here you will find exciting articles on the topics of java, OSGi, Eclipse, BND and much more. For example, take a closer look at our series “Bits Of Java”. Besides the basics, you will find useful tips for solving challenging problems with Java. And now: Have fun reading and deepening your knowledge.
Open Source als Schlüssel zur Digitalen Souveränität
English version below Open Source als Schlüssel zur Digitalen Souveränität Wie kann die öffentliche Verwaltung sich aus der Abhängigkeit einzelner Konzerne befreien? Und was hat das mit der digitalen Souveränität Deutschlands zu tun? Darüber hat letzte Woche einen spannenden Artikel veröffentlicht. Die Analyse ist deutlich - wir müssen mehr... [more]
Digitaler Staat und Open Source?
English version below Digitaler Staat und Open Source? Die digitale Transformation der öffentlichen Verwaltung ist eine der zentralen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Lösungen müssen modular und erweiterbar sein, um langfristigen Nutzen für Bürger:innen zu entfalten und die Arbeit der Verwaltungsbeschäftigten zu erleichtern. Open Source bietet dabei viele Vorteile, ist oft auch... [more]
Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona
English version below Smart City Expo World Congress 2024 - Wir sind dabei! Gerade von der #OCX24 zurück, schon geht es weiter zum nächsten Großevent! Vom 5. bis 7. November findet der diesjährige SCEWC in Barcelona statt. Bei dieser weltweit federführenden Veranstaltung für intelligente und nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung als Ausstellende teilzunehmen,... [more]
Data In Motion goes OCX24
English version below Die OCX ist da und wir sind dabei! Als Sponsoren und Speaker treten wir dieses Jahr bei der Open Community Experience (OCX) auf. Die Konferenz der Eclipse Foundation findet vom 22. bis 24. Oktober in Mainz statt. Als Mitglied der Eclipse Foundation ist uns die aktive Teilnahme... [more]
OCX24 Sponsorship and Speaker Announcment
We are thrilled to announce that we are a bronze level sponsor of the Open Community Experience 2024! The convention is the successor of the beloved EclipseCon and will be held in Mainz, Germany, on October 22-24. As long-term member, contributor and project leads in the Eclipse Foundation, we hope... [more]
Gecko Releases and Github Migration
As part of our move away from GitLab, we recently migrated some of our major projects to Github. In addition to that we are happy to announce some releases for a lot of these projects, which also come with some improvements to our libraries. Here are all changes and realeases... [more]
Remote launching OSGi applications with bnd (updated)
Recently, I wanted to build an OSGi application that should run on my RaspberryPi. So I wanted an easy way to test this application on the Pi. After some research I found the possibility to use a remote laucher in bnd. There are two parts necessary for that: the remote... [more]
Eclipsecon 2023 - Meet Data in Motion at the OSGi Summit and the Eclipsecon 2023
This weekend we went to the Eclipsecon 2023 in Ludwigsburg, as we are used to since years now. Together, with the great team of the Eclipse Foundation we also helped to organize the second OSGi Summit that is part of the Eclipsecon. Many participants from the OSGi Working Group are... [more]
Gecko Vaadin 23 OSGi Whiteboard released
We have released the first version of the OSGi Vaadin 23 Whitebaord at Maven Central. This implementation enables you to register Vaadin Components as OSGi service. These services are bound to a Vaadin Whiteboard, that then hosts the Vaadin appliation. The dependencies can be found using these GAV ccordinates: <dependency>... [more]
Data in Motion goes OSGi Summit 2023!
English version below Der OSGi-Summit 2023 steht vor der Tür! Vom 16-18 Oktober trifft sich in Ludwigsburg parallel zur EclipseCon 2023 die internationale OSGi-Community, um sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen auszutauschen. Mit dabei sind auch Guido, Jürgen und Mark von Data in Motion, die nicht nur an der Eventorganisation mit... [more]
BND Tools 7.0 Release Candidate 1 is available
We are happy to announce the BND Tools 7.0.0 Release Candidate, which can now be downloaded here. Mark and Jürgen contributed to the release, which features the port of the code base to Java 17 and the support of multi release JARs among other changes. For the changelog and release... [more]
Bndtools - Import-Package declaration for references to static fields in OSGi
Anyone who works with bndtools, knows that it calculates Package-Import declarations for the manifest. This is a great feature, because one wouldn’t do this by hand. In case use references to static fields e.g. for constants with primitive types, the compiler replaces the constant name with the constant value at... [more]
Mark Hoffmann hat die TÜV Zertifizierung zum behördlichen Datenschutzbeauftragten
Datenschutz spielt heute in allen digitalen Belangen eine wichtige Rolle. Da wir in unseren Projekten immer öfter mit Datenschutz in Berührung kommen und ein fairer Umgang mit Informationen, insbesondere mit persönlichen Daten, in unserem täglichen Leben und Handeln verankert ist, wollten wir unser Wissen vertiefen und festigen. Darum hat unser... [more]
Geckoprojects Jakarta RESTful Web Service Whiteboard implementation goes Eclipse
Last year our Jersey based implementation of the OSGi Jakarta RESTful Web Service Whiteboard had become the default implementation for the latest specification version. We want to announce the contribution of this project to the OSGi Technology Project. The code is already available in the corresponding Github repository. Currently we... [more]
Gecko JakartaRS Jersey Whiteboard default implementation in OSGi Compendium 8.1
Since several years we provide an implementation of the OSGi JaxRs WHiteboard Service based on JakartaEE Jersey. With the namespace change of Jakarta API’s from the former javax to jakarta, the OSGi Working Group also started migrating specifications to consider the new namespace. With the latest OSGi Compendium 8.1 release,... [more]
How to publish NPM packages to Nexus
If you want to publish your own NPM repositories to your Nexus, this guideline contains a set of collected resources for you. Just follow the steps below. The first step includes the setup of your Nexus. If you have already done this you can start reading at step 4 where... [more]
Mockito#mock causes NoClassDefFoundException in OSGi
Today I migrated some of our OSGi integration tests in our bnd workspace to the OSGi-Test support. We already used our own wrapper test classes, to deal with services, service availability and configurations. With the great initial work and some support of a good friend, most of our existing features... [more]
Upload to maven central with individually versioned bundles
We recently started uploading our bundles to maven central. To do that a trusted staging repository is needed (in our case sonatype). They perform certain checks, to make sure your artifacts meet the standards (like e.g. jars need to be signed) of maven central. BND can smoothly handle the the... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 27: What’s new in Java? (continued)
Today we will continue our excursion into some of the newest features of the Java language. In particular, today is time for Pattern Matching for instanceof. This feature was already introduced with Java 14, with the goal of simplifying one of the most common pattern in Java. You have surely... [more]
Bits of Java – Episode 26: What's new in Java
We started this blog series with Java 11. This is the most recent LTS (long-term support) version of Java so far and it was released in September 2018. Since then, however, a lot of other versions have been released, and currently we are at Java 15, so I think it... [more]
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