Blog posts tagged with "bnd"

  • Remote launching OSGi applications with bnd (updated)

    Recently, I wanted to build an OSGi application that should run on my RaspberryPi. So I wanted an easy way to test this application on the Pi. After some research I found the possibility to use a remote laucher in bnd. There are two parts necessary for that: the remote... [more]

  • Bndtools - Import-Package declaration for references to static fields in OSGi

    Anyone who works with bndtools, knows that it calculates Package-Import declarations for the manifest. This is a great feature, because one wouldn’t do this by hand. In case use references to static fields e.g. for constants with primitive types, the compiler replaces the constant name with the constant value at... [more]

  • OSGi in a Nutshell

    With this post we would like to announce a new blog series, aimed to describe the world of OSGi. Data In Motion Consulting GmbH has been an OSGi Alliance member for many years now, and we also provide trainings for both developers and project managers, who want to start using... [more]

  • The native bnd Workspace and Maven

    NOTE: If you are looking information about the bnd-maven-plugin or bnd-export-maven-plugin this is the wrong article. Have a look here and here to find examples and the documentation of the plugins. Preamble This article will describe the following things: The difference between the aQute.bnd.repository.maven.provider.MavenBndRepository and the aQute.bnd.repository.maven.pom.provider.BndPomRepository How to deploy... [more]

  • Starting bndrun files using Gradle

    Running bndrun files using gradle Bnd provides gradle tasks to run bndrun files and start an application. When listing all gradle tasks using gradlew tasks, you will find the bndrun tasks in the exports section of the list. Usually the tasks look like run.<bndrun-file-name>. If you want to start you... [more]

  • Bootstraping OSGi Applications with the Runtime Exporter

    We recently updated our documentation for the runtime project. The Runtime contains small helpers to improve the handling of your OSGi application in production environments and development. The org.gecko.templates project contains bndtools project templates, to ease the creation of project within your Eclipse IDE. Our org.gecko.runtime.boot registers some... [more]

  • Resolution failed. Capabilities satisfying the following requirements could not be found and how to read it!

    Before we start: The Resolver works with the Requirements and Capabilities of OSGi and I strongly suggest to have a look at them, if you work with the Resolver. To give an Answer to the question above, we take the following example output: Resolution failed. Capabilities satisfying the following requirements... [more]

  • How can I trigger an export to a selfexecutable jar with gradle?

    Run ./gradlew export. If the Build was successfull you will find the the result in generated/distribution/<yourBndrunFileName>.export directory. Note, that the bndrun must reside in a bnd project with a bnd.bnd in it. For more FAQ see: The Gecko Documentation Project by Ilenia Salvadori, Mark Hoffmann, Jürgen Albert [more]

  • The Documentation Project

    We just started a documentation project on Gitlab. It started with a FAQ / Nive to know collection of information about OSGi, bndtools, Eclipse we want to share. This is what we have till now: Plain OSGi I want to use a LDAP style target filter as service property.... [more]

  • Building and deploying SNAPSHOT and RELEASE Versions for maven with BND

    BND is a nice build tool, but in some cases it makes actually trivial things, seem impossible or at least not really obvious. Doing RELEASE and SNAPSHOT Builds is one of these things. Thus, here is a quick guide on how this can be done. By default OSGi uses Semantic... [more]

  • RCP development with bnd

    About one and a half years ago we switched all our projects from using PDE together with Maven Tycho to bnd. The increase in development speed we reached was immense. Additionally bnd automatically pushed us towards writing better OSGi software. Over the time we experienced a lot of fallacies PDE... [more]

  • Gecko EMF

    Last week we had a talk at the EclipseCon Europe 2018 in Ludwigsburg, presenting one of our OpenSource projects. It is called Gecko EMF and available here: The Slides for the talk can be found here: EMF and OSGi What is Gecko EMF? It is an addition to EMF... [more]

  • Handling SNAPSHOT and RELEASE builds with BND

    A while back, we reactivated our Nexus and wanted to use bnd to release to an OBR and an the Nexus at the same time. As usual, we have an automated build handled by jenkins, which does a snapshot build from our develop branch and a release build from changes... [more]

  • Remote launching OSGi applications with bnd

    Recently, I wanted to build an OSGi application that should run on my RaspberryPi. So I wanted an easy way to test this application on the Pi. After some research I found the possibility to use a remote laucher in bnd. There are two parts necessary for that: the remote... [more]

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