Blog posts tagged with "maven"
Geckoprojects Jakarta RESTful Web Service Whiteboard implementation goes Eclipse
Last year our Jersey based implementation of the OSGi Jakarta RESTful Web Service Whiteboard had become the default implementation for the latest specification version. We want to announce the contribution of this project to the OSGi Technology Project. The code is already available in the corresponding Github repository. Currently we... [more]
Upload to maven central with individually versioned bundles
We recently started uploading our bundles to maven central. To do that a trusted staging repository is needed (in our case sonatype). They perform certain checks, to make sure your artifacts meet the standards (like e.g. jars need to be signed) of maven central. BND can smoothly handle the the... [more]
The native bnd Workspace and Maven
NOTE: If you are looking information about the bnd-maven-plugin or bnd-export-maven-plugin this is the wrong article. Have a look here and here to find examples and the documentation of the plugins. Preamble This article will describe the following things: The difference between the aQute.bnd.repository.maven.provider.MavenBndRepository and the aQute.bnd.repository.maven.pom.provider.BndPomRepository How to deploy... [more]
Building and deploying SNAPSHOT and RELEASE Versions for maven with BND
BND is a nice build tool, but in some cases it makes actually trivial things, seem impossible or at least not really obvious. Doing RELEASE and SNAPSHOT Builds is one of these things. Thus, here is a quick guide on how this can be done. By default OSGi uses Semantic... [more]
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